What to Expect

Sunday Morning Services

We are a reconciling congregation who welcomes and celebrates all persons in our service. We encourage you to read more about our beliefs and values. You may join us in person or online via our Facebook livestreams.

Time: 9:30am

Parking and Directions: Click here for more information.

Dress: However you are comfortable.

Children: Children are welcome at all services which offer activity bags during worship. Children are also invited to take part in a special “Children’s Time” during the main service. Most Sunday’s that is followed by a special Children’s Church in Fellowship Hall during the sermon.

Church experience: You don’t need to be an experienced church goer to be welcome at our services. Our service aims to be especially friendly to people who do not attend church, have been hurt by the church in the past, or haven’t been to church in many years.

Music: We use both the United Methodist Hymnal and the The Faith We Sing. All are welcome to sing in worship.

Communion: Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month. All are welcome at God’s table.

After-Service Fellowship: After the service has ended we invite your to join us in the hall downstairs for a time of fellowship and relationship-building over refreshments. 

Holy God, no one is excluded from your love
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