October 25, 2021
Happy Fall Dear Friends,
As the weather is beginning to shift to Fall, I wanted to take a moment to touch base with you so that you don’t miss out on any of the things that we are planning.
The month of October has been our Psalms Sermon Series. You could catch some of the worship services on Facebook if you missed them in person. We have had a lot of variety in our preachers, and it has been a good learning and worship experience.
October 31st is our final Psalms Sunday, and we will finish the series through singing. October 31st is a Fifth Sunday and so it will be all music. Part of the service will be an old fashion hymn sing where we will let you all choose your favorite hymn and we will sing a verse. We will also have some solos and small ensembles during worship. Since it is All Hollow’s Eve, aka Halloween, you are welcome to wear a costume if you wish.
November will be our month of gratitude. Each day I would like you to stop sometime and mention something that you are grateful for. Please choose something different each day. Maybe you could create a list, or write it in your calendar each day, or you could put it on Facebook. The point is not the method that you log or share your gratitude, the important thing is that we take a moment to be grateful.
Sunday, November 7th we will remember the Saints in our community that have passed this year. Our focus in worship will be being grateful for those who have gone before us. Please let Maria know if you would like for us to remember someone during this service.
Sunday, November 14th, we will celebrate our present and future. We will honor our children and celebrate the gifts that we have in and through our children.
Sunday, November 21st, we will have a guest preacher, Meredith Hopping. Meredith is a standup comedian and she will help us celebrate Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 28th is the first Sunday of Advent, and we will begin to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in our world.
I am so very grateful to all of you. You have been incredible these last couple of years through the many challenges of the Pandemic. I am grateful that we can spend the month of November focusing on our blessings.
Blessed Fall,
Pastor Kathleen