
For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Ephesians 2:10

Team Nance

“Team Nance” is named in honor of Nancy Thuer, a long-time LPUMC member who is no longer with us. Nancy started the Missions team at LPUMC and her wife, Ann Mehan, carries on the missions in her honor. Our mission team normally takes trips from February to April depending on the project and timing. Fundraisers in the fall help to finance all of the mission trips.

For more information about this ministry:

Mission 2020: Texas-Mexico Border

Team Nance set out to Bayview, Texas to volunteer with Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries. Our mission was to assist refugees by organizing warehouse items as well as requested supplies donated by our church (i.e. socks, underwear, shoelaces and combs). Later we made deliveries to the refugees. The team also delivered meals and visited two respite centers along the border that aid refugees and immigrants. In the end, nearly 2000 lbs of clothing was sorted, rebagged and organized in both warehouses on site!

Our Ministries

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